10 tips for zero waste travel

10 tips for zero waste travel

10 tips for zero waste travel Going on vacation is always the most interesting thing to talk about. Not only is it fun and enjoyable, but it can also help us relax from the stress of daily work. It’s fun to go on vacation with friends, family, or a person you love. We will be happy to see their smiles light up the room, and being with them is important. Now let’s talk about ways to take a family trip with little or no trash.

It’s a must that we get other things ready before going on vacation. Most of the time, the wants will be much higher when going on a trip with family. Most of all, food. As we can see, food and drinks in plastic containers are always easy to find. While this does happen, trash is often left behind and spread out in visitor spots.

Whether they forgot or were left alone on purpose. The truth is that we also have to take care of tourist spots so they stay clean and in good shape. Not just leaving trash on them.

More and more people are worried about the problem of trash, especially plastic waste. In the case of the Wakatobi whale, its guts held 5.9 kilograms of trash made of plastic. This piece will talk about 10 tips for a zero-waste family trip to try to cut down on trash as much as possible. Let’s look at these tips until the end to make your trip healthy!

1. Bring a water bottle so you don’t waste more drink bottles.

Mineral water these days comes in a lot of plastic bottles. Mineral water in bottles is, in fact, very convenient and easy to find. You can also find it at many stands along the way or at tourist spots. The plastic bottle will be thrown though once the water is gone. Also, most people will throw it away because refilling used bottles is not as healthy.

Even worse, many people, including tourists, still don’t know what to do with their trash, which means that plastic bottles damage the environment even more. Well, one easy way to cut down on plastic waste and reach the goal of zero waste at a picnic is to bring your own drink bottle from home. Use bottles that can be used again and again.

2. Bring your own food with you

We often find food, like snacks, that has been wrapped in plastic, along with used plastic bottle wrapping. Of course, the packaging will be thrown away again after eating. Back to the fact that tourists don’t know where to throw away trash. So, pollution from plastic trash is getting worse. Bringing your own food from home is better because you will save money and be sure of the quality

2. Bring your own food with you
2. Bring your own food with you

3. Stay at eco-friendly places to stay

The place where you stay can have a big effect on the surroundings. Many places to stay now care about the environment and offer eco-friendly options:

Hotels that are good for the environment:

For hotels that care about the environment, look for ones that have certifications like Green Key or LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design).
Help places that recycle, use green energy sources, and have features that use less water.

Rooms for rent and hostels:

A lot of hotels and vacation homes are going green. Look for places to stay that have eco-friendly policies and services.
Pick places to stay that urge their guests to do things that are good for the environment, like reusing and saving water.

Outside camping and eco-lodges:

Camping can be a green way to travel if you do it right. Use recyclable items and follow the “Leave No Trace” rules.
Eco-lodges often put their guests right in the middle of nature while also supporting sustainability and protection.

4. Bring Your Own Cutlery – Reduce the Increase in Food Waste

This tip is easy to remember and useful. When you bring your own food and eat it all, we can use the container to eat again. But the dish needs to be washed first, or we can bring clean plates and spoons to use later.

5. Don’t use plastic bags; cut down on plastic waste

Try not to use plastic when you go to a minimarket to buy food and drinks. In fact, you can’t avoid getting things you need while you’re moving either. But only shop when you need to and. Say “no need to use plastic” and put the things right into the bag you are holding when the checker is done counting. This is also an easy way to cut down on plastic trash and make our trip waste-free.

6. Give them a jar that they can use more than once

Of course, you need to pack the things you need for a trip. For important things that you use a lot, choose a case that can be folded up small. Like the training that DBS Bank and Weekend training (WEWO) put on a while ago. They talked about how to organize travel kits made from old things. Of course, this way is also meant to help the Indonesian program to get rid of trash.

7. Put the trash where it belongs

One motto line that we must have heard before. Plastic is used so often in everyday life that trash is always being made. Call it trash from around the house, like used laundry soap.

When we move, we should also have to bring important things in plastic bags, like a first aid kit. So, make sure you throw away your trash in the right way by group. The good thing is that we don’t have to throw it away right away; we can help the cleaners sort the trash.

8. Don’t forget your towel

That way, you can also cut down on how much you use the items that hotels and trains give you. Where tools are used just once and then thrown away. Always use a small towel, even if you are tired and hot. Do your best not to use too much tissue. This method is also an effort to cut down on waste in Indonesia. We protect trees and the earth by not throwing away any paper.

9.Make people aware

Sharing your zero-waste vacation stories can encourage other people to do the same. Here are some ways to get the word out:

Blogs and social media:

Blogs and social media sites are great places to share your story and tips. Stress the advantages of zero-waste travel and give useful tips.
To reach more people, use words that are related to sustainability.

Take part in conversations: IN 10 tips for zero waste travel

Talk to other tourists about how you avoid making trash. Talking to people in person can be a strong way to get the word out.
Set a good model for your friends and family to follow if you want them to form lasting habits.

Help Projects Aiming for Zero Waste:

Help groups and projects that work toward zero trash and ecology. Take part in cleanups in your area or offer to help with environmental projects.

10. Create Creative Ideas from Used Trash with Family

The last tip to add to the fun of your vacation time. If for example, you have to take the trash home because there may be no trash can. Although strange, it is possible. After having fun walking outside, you can try the creative idea of ​​recycling trash with your family at home. You will gather together and joke around while being innovative. Who knows if the results will be satisfying? In addition to being a souvenir, originally useless trash becomes useful.

The last thing you can do to make your trip more fun. Say you have to take the trash home because there isn’t a trash can nearby. It’s possible, even though it seems strange. After a fun walk outside, you and your family can try the unique idea of recycling trash at home.

You’ll get together and make jokes while you work on your projects. Who knows if the results will be good? Along with being a gift, trash that wasn’t helpful before can be used. Here are 10 ideas for a zero-waste family trip. This will not only help the earth, but it will also make our trip more fun and useful. We should all work together to keep the world clean!

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